I am trying to use Qt creator on Windows, and when I try to Start Debugging, it says "No debbuger set up". How do I configure it?
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When we are going to debug a program in Qt Creator by pressing F5, F10 or F11, we need to have cdb.exe installed on the system or it shows the following message:
To install cdb.exe on Windows, we need to do the following steps:
• Go to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/
• Click get the Windows SDK here, download the installer and run it
• Uncheck all boxes but “Debugging Tools for Windows” and wait until it installs
• Go to Qt Creator setting and click Manage Kits
• Select auto detected kit and find the debugger at its property section
• Click on the manage and specify to the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\cdb.exe
• Everything works well now
This is documented in the Qt Reference Documentation on Setting up the Debugger.
You'll need to install the Debugging tools for Windows (installing the Windows SDK provides this) which will give you the
debugger. You may or may not encounter an issue when installing the Windows SDK and require this work around: Error when installing windows SDK 7.1Now, start Qt Creator and go to Tools -> Build & Run -> Debuggers, verify that you now see Auto-detected CDB. Then go to the Kits tab select Manual -> Desktop and change the Debugger value to the Auto-detected CDB.
Now start your project in Debug mode (F5).
Go to Extras -> Properties -> Compile & Run Section. See on tab
if there is a compiler selected. If not select an compiler and set the corresponding debugger. Else you eventually have to manually add a compiler and locate your path to your debugger (MSVC and CDB for example).