I am currently using DB2 to do unit tests, but it is sometime quite slow. I would need a good in-memory database that would include all the feature of DB2. Does this type of in-memory database exist, or do they only allow standard SQL feature?
Thank you.
EDIT The DB2 Database is on a remote server, so I would need a solution to replicate the schema of that database on a local in-memory database to speed up the tests.
I think the easiest option would be --- DB2.
Download the freebie express edition and install it on your PC. You slow speed is almost certainly down to network bottlenecks and limitations using the DB2 client, installing locally would eliminate these.
The next best thing would be JavaDB (used to be known as Derby!). Which is similar but not quite identical to DB2.
Using any other database will dump you in a quagmire of unsupported features, incompatable SQL, different names for the same function, different functions with the same function name etc.etc.