I want to create a website in wordpress, for this I take a theme and create a child theme.
I copy in the folder of the child a style.css and header.php, because I want to modify the header too. I modify the file of the child.
In my style.css I add the line Template: with the name of the father theme
Theme Name: Example
Theme URI: http://www.woothemes.com/
Version: 1.2.15
Description: Designed by <a href="http://www.woothemes.com">WooThemes</a>.
Author: WooThemes
Author URI: http://www.woothemes.com
Tags: woothemes
Template: mystile
Copyright: (c) 2009-2011 WooThemes.
License: GNU General Public License v2.0
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
I am using this line in the header.php
<?php $logo = esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() . 'images/logo.png' ); ?>
of my child theme to take a images but this line return the url of the father theme no his child!
I take this.
I I want this
any idea
You need
, this function checks first in the child theme directory and then in the parent's. The one you're using only checks in the parent directory.Bottom line: if a function doesn't behave as you expect, check the Codex. Much probably you'll find out why over there.
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