I'm using intellij CE 10.5 for my android projects and ran into a weird error. My project can be built by Eclipse and Ant, and also compiles under intellij. However, all the xml and manifest files are showing: xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android URI not registered in Settings | IDE Settings | Resources.
I tried ignore and manually create this but it didn't work out.
Anyone ran into similar issue? I didn't have problem w/ android SDK 2.x but this is a honeycomb 3.0 project, so just wondering if that matters.
Be sure your project is configured like android facet otherwise it will not work. => Project Structure : Project settings : Facets : add (+ button) android facet
This way fixed my problem.
I accidently opened the layout xml file which is in
folder (has output files for compile), not inres
folder. Check that you opened the layout xml file in resource folder. The file names are identical.For me the problem was having a duplicate of my main module in the project structure. I removed the duplicate using the "-" button in the same dialog, and the problem got fixed.
From here--> http://goo.gl/heQCv