Hey. I've got the following code that populates my list box
UsersListBox.DataSource = GrpList;
However, after the box is populated, the first item in the list is selected by default and the "selected index changed" event fires. How do I prevent the item from being selected right after the list box was populated, or how do I prevent the event from firing?
To keep the event from firing, here are two options I have used in the past:
Unregister the event handler while setting the DataSource.
Create a boolean flag to ignore the event.
and AlsoSelectedIndex=-1
and every thing should work for youPerhaps in DataSourceChanged you could check the state of SelectedIndex, if your lucky you could then just force SelectedIndex = -1.
Well, it looks like that the first element is automatically selected after ListBox.DataSource is set. Other solutions are good, but they doesn't resolve the problem. This is how I did resolve the problem:
i using the following, seems to work for me:
If you just want to clear the selected value, you can use ClearSelected after you set the DataSource. But if you dont want the event to fire, then you'll have to use one of Joseph's methods.