I would like to be able to get the name of a variable as a string but I don't know if Python has that much introspection capabilities. Something like:
>>> print(my_var.__name__)
I want to do that because I have a bunch of vars I'd like to turn into a dictionary like :
bar = True
foo = False
>>> my_dict = dict(bar=bar, foo=foo)
>>> print my_dict
{'foo': False, 'bar': True}
But I'd like something more automatic than that.
Python have locals()
and vars()
, so I guess there is a way.
I wrote a neat little useful function based on the answer to this question. I'm putting it here in case it's useful.
In reading the thread, I saw an awful lot of friction. It's easy enough to give a bad answer, then let someone give the correct answer. Anyway, here is what I found.
From: [effbot.org] (http://effbot.org/zone/python-objects.htm#names)
The names are a bit different — they’re not really properties of the object, and the object itself doesn't know what it’s called.
An object can have any number of names, or no name at all.
Names live in namespaces (such as a module namespace, an instance namespace, a function’s local namespace).
Note: that it says the object itself doesn’t know what it’s called, so that was the clue. Python objects are not self-referential. Then it says, Names live in namespaces. We have this in TCL/TK. So maybe my answer will help (but it did help me)
So there is 'jj' at the end of the list.
Rewrite the code as:
This nasty bit of code id's the name of variable/object/whatever-you-pedantics-call-it.
So, there it is. The memory address of 'jj' is the same when we look for it directly, as when we do the dictionary look up in global name space. I'm sure you can make a function to do this. Just remember which namespace your variable/object/wypci is in.
While this is probably an awful idea, it is along the same lines as rlotun's answer but it'll return the correct result more often.
You call it like this:
I wrote the package sorcery to do this kind of magic robustly. You can write:
this way get varname for a maybe 'a' or 'b'.