I have been trying to find a really fast way to parse yyyy-mm-dd [hh:mm:ss] into a Date object. Here are the 3 ways I have tried doing it and the times it takes each method to parse 50,000 date time strings.
Does anyone know any faster ways of doing this or tips to speed up the methods?
castMethod1 takes 3673 ms
castMethod2 takes 3812 ms
castMethod3 takes 3931 ms
private function castMethod1(dateString:String):Date {
if ( dateString == null ) {
return null;
var year:int = int(dateString.substr(0,4));
var month:int = int(dateString.substr(5,2))-1;
var day:int = int(dateString.substr(8,2));
if ( year == 0 && month == 0 && day == 0 ) {
return null;
if ( dateString.length == 10 ) {
return new Date(year, month, day);
var hour:int = int(dateString.substr(11,2));
var minute:int = int(dateString.substr(14,2));
var second:int = int(dateString.substr(17,2));
return new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
private function castMethod2(dateString:String):Date {
if ( dateString == null ) {
return null;
if ( dateString.indexOf("0000-00-00") != -1 ) {
return null;
dateString = dateString.split("-").join("/");
return new Date(Date.parse( dateString ));
private function castMethod3(dateString:String):Date {
if ( dateString == null ) {
return null;
var mainParts:Array = dateString.split(" ");
var dateParts:Array = mainParts[0].split("-");
if ( Number(dateParts[0])+Number(dateParts[1])+Number(dateParts[2]) == 0 ) {
return null;
return new Date( Date.parse( dateParts.join("/")+(mainParts[1]?" "+mainParts[1]:" ") ) );
No, Date.parse will not handle dashes by default. And I need to return null for date time strings like "0000-00-00"
Well then method 2 seems the best way:
Because Date.parse() does not accept all possible formats, we can preformat the passed dateString value using DateFormatter with formatString that Data.parse() can understand, e.g
I'm guessing Date.Parse() doesn't work?
Here is my implementation. Give this a try.
I've been using the following snipplet to parse UTC date strings:
Just remove the time part and it should work fine for your needs:
No idea about the speed, I haven't been worried about that in my applications.50K iterations in significantly less than a second on my machine.