C# How to execute code after object construction (

2019-02-16 03:53发布

As you can see in the code below, the DoStuff() method is getting called before the Init() one during the construction of a Child object.

I'm in a situation where I have numerous child classes. Therefore, repeating a call to the DoStuff() method directly after Init() in the constructor of each child wouldn't be an elegant solution.

Is there any way I could create some kind of post constructor in the parent class that would be executed after the child's constructor? This way, I could call to the DoStuff() method there.

If you have any other design idea which could solve my problem, I'd like to hear it too!

abstract class Parent
    public Parent()

    protected abstract void DoStuff();

class Child : Parent
    public Child()
    // DoStuff is called here before Init
    // because of the preconstruction

    private void Init()
        // needs to be called before doing stuff

    protected override void DoStuff() 
        // stuff

2楼-- · 2019-02-16 04:45

Let me introduce a general solution using some C# features. Note that this solution does not require you to use a factory pattern or invoke anything after constructing the object, and it works on any class with just implementing an interface with a single method. First we declare an interface that our classes will have to implement:

public interface IInitialize {
    void OnInitialize();

Next we add a static extension class for this interface, and add the Initialize method:

public static class InitializeExtensions
    public static void Initialize<T>(this T obj) where T: IInitialize
        if (obj.GetType() == typeof(T))    

Now, if we need a class and all of its descendants to call an initializer right after the object is fully constructed, all we need to do is implement IInitialize and append a line in the constructor:

public class Parent : IInitialize
    public virtual void OnInitialize()

    public Parent()

public class Child : Parent
    public Child()

    public override void OnInitialize()

public class GrandChild : Child
    public GrandChild()

    public override void OnInitialize()

The trick is that when a derived class calls the extension method Initialize, that will suppress any calls not made from the actual class.

3楼-- · 2019-02-16 04:46

As others have mentioned, you should use a Factory Pattern.

public class Parent
    public Parent()

    public virtual void PostConstructor()

public class Child : Parent
    public override void PostConstructor()

        // Your code here

public void FactoryMethod<T>() where T : Parent
    T newobject = new T();
4楼-- · 2019-02-16 04:48

Rather than using an abstract method, which would require you to implement the method in all descendant classes, you might try:

public class Parent
    public Parent()

    protected virtual void PostConstructor()

public class Child : Parent
    protected override void PostConstructor()

        /// do whatever initialization here that you require

public class ChildWithoutOverride
    /// not necessary to override PostConstructor 
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