I Use Facebook SDK For iOS and its works fine on iOS 10 but when I upgrade my phone into iOS 11 the facebook share is not working anymore. please help, thanks in advance.
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Unfortunately with the iOS 11 update the social network services (Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, and Flickr), which used to have single sign-on for systemwide integration have been removed.
Instead to use this snippet for iOS 10 and before:
You can post on Facebook using the FBSDKGraphRequest.
First create from Facebook Developer Console your app. After that, setup your Xcode project (following the instructions here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/getting-started/).
The user need to be logged before post:
After the logging save the token and use it to post a message through FBSDKGraphRequest:
Hope this help.
This problem for iOS 11 with Facebook Share (in my case, FBSDKShareDialog in Objective-c) is fixed by upgrading to the latest Facebook API frameworks. Via pods, that is currently as follows:
From a command prompt, Using "pod search " will show the latest version of the pod. For example, pod search FBSDKShareKit