I'm trying to import some data into my database. So I've created a temporary table,
create temporary table tmp(pc varchar(10), lat decimal(18,12), lon decimal(18,12), city varchar(100), prov varchar(2));
And now I'm trying to import the data,
copy tmp from '/home/mark/Desktop/Canada.csv' delimiter ',' csv
But then I get the error,
ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xc92c
How do I fix that? Do I need to change the encoding of my entire database (if so, how?) or can I change just the encoding of my tmp
table? Or should I attempt to change the encoding of the file?
You can replace the backslash character with, for example a pipe character, with sed.
follow the below steps to solve this issue in pgadmin:
SET client_encoding = 'ISO_8859_5';
COPY tablename(column names) FROM 'D:/DB_BAK/csvfilename.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',' CSV ;
For python, you need to use
Class pg8000.types.Bytea (str) Bytea is a str-derived class that is mapped to a PostgreSQL byte array.
Pg8000.Binary (value) Construct an object holding binary data.
I got the same error when I was trying to copy a csv generated by Excel to a Postgres table (all on a Mac). This is how I resolved it:
1) Open the File in Atom (the IDE that I use)
2) Make an insignificant change in the file. Save the file. Undo the change. Save again.
Presto! Copy command worked now.
(I think Atom saved it in a format which worked)