I have been tearing my hair trying to make the test to pass. I have a JSON API that looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "b99f8173-0492-457f-9de9-6c1d8d6832ed",
"type": "manufacturer_organizations",
"attributes": {
"account_number": "random test 123"
"relationships": {
"organization": {
"data": {
"id": "fb20ddc9-a3ee-47c3-bdd2-f710541ff89c",
"type": "organizations"
"manufacturer": {
"data": {
"id": "1",
"type": "manufacturers"
I am trying to make a post :create
test in rails.
let!(:manufacturer_organization) {FactoryGirl.create(:manufacturer_organization)}
let(:manufacturer_organization2) { FactoryGirl.create(:manufacturer_organization)}
describe "POST create" do
it "posts a valid manufacturer organization data" do
organization = FactoryGirl.create(:organization)
manufacturer = FactoryGirl.create(:manufacturer)
post :create, manufacturer_organization2.to_json #what should I put here instead?
expect(json['data'].length).to eq(2)
#=> error: JSON::ParserError: A JSON text must at least contain two octets!
I have tried various SO posts (this), this, and this article
Here are some of the attempts I have tried:
post :create, params: {organization_id: organization.id, manufacturer: manufacturer.id, account_number: "123 test account number"}
#=> error: JSON::ParserError:
A JSON text must at least contain two octets!
post :create, params: :manufacturer_organization_2
undefined method `symbolize_keys' for :manufacturer_organization_2:Symbol
json = { :format => 'json', :manufacturer_organization => { :account_number => "foo123", :organization_id => organization.id, :manufacturer_id => manufacturer.id } }
post :create, json
#=> NoMethodError:
undefined method `length' for nil:NilClass
How can I test my controller to accept manufacturer_id, organization_id, and account_number
via post :create
? Right now the way I test it is to count initial json['data'].length
(initially 1); at the end I expect json['data'].length
to be 2 after successful post :create
. How can I mock creating a valid manufacturer_organization input?
Sorry, forgot to put my json method helper:
def json
Also, this pass:
describe "POST create" do
it "posts a valid manufacturer organization data" do
organization = FactoryGirl.create(:organization)
manufacturer = FactoryGirl.create(:manufacturer)
post :create, {account_number: "Test account numba", organization_id: organization.id, manufacturer_id: manufacturer.id}
expect(response).to be_success
while adding expect(json['success']).to eq("Yay!")
gives me this error:
A JSON text must at least contain two octets!
def create
@manufacturer_organization = ManufacturerOrganization.new(manufacturer_organization_params)
if @manufacturer_organization.save
puts "success!"
render json: {success: "Yay!"}
puts "Sorry, something went wrong!"
def manufacturer_organization_params
api_params.permit(:organization_id, :manufacturer_id, :account_number)
while @api_params ||= ActionController::Parameters.new(ActiveModelSerializers::Deserialization.jsonapi_parse(params))
In RSpec you never* need to explicitly format the params.
This will properly format the hash
{ foo: 'bar' }
as JSON in the request body.To create a hash which matches the JSONAPI.org structure you can create a helper:
You can also use the JSONAPI-RB gem or ActiveModel::Serializers to constuct/deconstruct JSONAPI responses/params.
Returning the correct status codes.
Returning the correct response codes is pretty simple:
The commonly accepted practice is to use 422 - Unprocessable Entity for validation errors.
One small concern is that you should use a serializer to give the correct JSON response and also serialize the correct error objects.