How can we use default wordpress text editor for my wordpress plugin.Any suggections please?
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As of Wordpress 3.3
has deprecated in favor ofwp_editor
. wp_editor uses the new media uploader and takes advantage of all the new features of Wordpress 3.5.x Documentation here: very good example of how to use it can be found at Wptuts+ here:
Very easy:
This will generate a lot of html tags. But the one you will be interested in is the textarea with its name set to $editor_id. So when the form is submitted, you can save that content.
You can find more info here:
The WordPress Text editor is an application of the TinyMCE Editor. You can utilize the files located in wp_includes/js/tinymce and create an instance of the editor on your own, according to the documentation.
Check out these articles for example instructions:
very easy try this code it's working