I wonder if it is possible to make an action with youtube api when embeded video finishes. For example, in my web i start video on hover of one element, but i want video tu be replaced by static image when it finishes. How can i do that?
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I had wordpress and used in suchh steps: installed http://www.tikku.com/jquery-youtube-tubeplayer-plugin
then add this code into page
but change
1) yoursite.com to yours
2) alert("Hello"); to your another desired function;
3) DkoeNLuMbcI to desired video id;
use http://www.tikku.com/jquery-youtube-tubeplayer-plugin
It makes everything easy. Once you have it set up, which shouldn't take long (there is an easy how-to), simply add this line to you player initiation:
This will do whatever you want after the player ends. There are also callbacks for when the player is paused, stopped, played, muted, unmuted, queued, and more
Let me know if this works, or if you have trouble using the jquery plugin. It really is very helpful and easy!