I've set up a Rails form roughly following the instructions in this Railscast.
Here's the code for the form:
<% form_tag complete_todos_path, :method => :put do %>
<div id="incomplete_todos">
<% @incomplete_todos.each do |todo| %>
<%= render :partial => todo %>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag "Mark as completed" %>
<% end %>
And here's the code for the todo partial:
<div class="todo">
<%= check_box_tag "todo_ids[]", todo.id %>
<%=h todo.name %>
<%= link_to 'edit', edit_todo_path(todo) %>
<%= link_to 'delete', todo, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %>
It's working great, but I'm looking to start implementing AJAX and I need each checkbox to have a unique id. Right now, the input tags generated look something like this:
<input id="todo_ids_" name="todo_ids[]" type="checkbox" value="7" />
Every check box has the same id ("todo_ids_"), which is a problem. I suspect the solution is embarrassingly simple, but I'm not seeing it. Any tips?
Can you try this and let us know if it works:
This is the expected behaviour of
, as this comment on a rejected fix explains.You can use
like this (haml syntax, sorry):Of course you can use partials inside the block, just pass and use the builder inside.
Check more options in the API docs.
<%= check_box_tag "todo_ids[]", todo.id, false, :id => "todo_id_#{todo.id}" -%>
or whatever you want the id to be.I consider this a bug with check_box_tag caused by the seemingly hackish nature of manually giving it the name todo_ids[] and the method code calling sanitize_to_id(name). I just ran into this yesterday and I'm contemplating a patch.
I ended up using a solution similar to Ryan's, but as I wrote in the comment I had to make a further change. In the form:
In the action called by the form:
Note the "params[:todo_ids].keys" at the end, which was a workaround to deal with the odd way the parameters were formatted: