Is there any formula that I can use to calculate the time that FFmpeg uses to convert a single .jpg image and .mp3 song to a video?
I am using the following code:
ffmpeg -loop 1 -r ntsc -i image.jpg -i song.mp3 -c:a copy -c:v libx264 \ -preset fast -threads 0 -shortest
Lets say we have an image with X resolution and .mp3 length of L. Would the formula be:
time = X * L(in seconds) ?
Thanks for any tips.
-r 1
, it is fasterref
First, run benchmark with key "-t 10" this mean 10 seconds benchmark and calculate run time.
Benchmark output, with runtime: utime:
First Of All Call this method from OnProgress Method of FFmpeg Listener
getProgress(s) is a method that find Estimate Time of Our execution