Typically, the sqlite store file for core data apps is located in
Library>Application Support>iPhone Simulator>7.1(or whichever version you are using)>Applications>(Whichever folder contains your app)>Documents
folder, but I can't find it in IOS 8. I would assume they would just add an 8.0 folder inside the iPhone Simulator folder, but it's not there. Has anybody been able to locate it?
For Swift 3.0
you can get location of Coredata in Xcode 8.2
Like James Snook I created my own script to provide easier access to the simulator apps. I think it can be handy to many people getting here, other than me.
Unlike his script, mine is not a search tool, it creates a complete (and human readable) folder structure with all the devices/runtimes, and puts soft links to the apps in them.
You can get it in this Gist.
Run it every time you install an app in the simulator, or just run it every time you are going fetch an app for any reason (it will update, and open the devices folder in Finder).
For swift 3
I managed to locate the sqlite file, and its in this path now:
(numbers and letters) stands for a folder that would be unique to your app/computer, but would look like this: 779AE2245-F8W2-57A9-8C6D-98643B1CF01A
I was able to find it by going into appDelegate.m, scrolling down to the
method, and NSLogging the return path, like this:
This will give you your unique path, making it easier for you, because it is tricky locating it with the 2 unnamed folders/strings of letters and numbers.
Swift 4.2:
Based on Michaels answers, this is for Swift 3
You can use following code.
It will print location of core data persistent storage i.e sqlite