The JTable includes the time field, e.g. "01:50". I need to read this value into the integer variable. For this I´d like to convert time into minutes. For instance "01:50" should be converted into 110.
To solve the task, first I saved the time value as a String.
String minutS = tableModel.getValueAt(1,1).toString();
Secondly, I´m going to process this String and extract the integers before and after the symbol :
. Finally I will calculate the total minutes.
Is this solution efficient? Perhaps, it´s possible to substitute it with Calendar or sth like this?
Since java 1.8 the most elegant solution is probably:
long minutes = ChronoUnit.MINUTES.between(LocalTime.MIDNIGHT, LocalTime.parse("01:50"));
Strip your input before processing it. (
commons-lang utils
)spaces can make
occur.I don't think using Calendar/Date will be better than straightforward parse for this case. If your time format is indeed H:m, then I don't think you need anything more complex than this:
How about this:
Look the sample below which we are using in our application