I am trying to pass a file to a program (MolPro) that I start as subprocess with Python.
It most commonly takes a file as argument, like this in console:
path/molpro filename.ext
Where filename.ex contains the code to execute. Alternatively a bash script (what I'm trying to do but in Python):
#!/usr/bin/env bash
path/molpro << EOF
# MolPro code
I'm trying to do the above in Python. I have tried this:
from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE
DEVNULL = open('/dev/null', 'w') # I'm using Python 2 so I can't use subprocess.DEVNULL
StdinCommand = '''
MolPro code
# Method 1 (stdout will be a file)
Popen(['path/molpro', StdinCommand], shell = False, stdout = None, stderr = STDOUT, stdin = DEVNULL)
# ERROR: more than 1 input file not allowed
# Method 2
p = Popen(['path/molpro', StdinCommand], shell = False, stdout = None, stderr = STDOUT, stdin = PIPE)
p.communicate(input = StdinCommand)
# ERROR: more than 1 input file not allowed
So I am pretty sure the input doesn't look enough like a file, but even looking at Python - How do I pass a string into subprocess.Popen (using the stdin argument)? I can't find what Im doing wrong.
I prefer not to:
- Write the string to an actual file
- set shell to True
- (And I can't change MolPro code)
Thanks a lot for any help!
Update: if anyone is trying to do the same thing, if you don't want to wait for the job to finish (as it doesn't return anything, either way), use p.stdin.write(StdinCommand)
It seems like your second method should work if you remove
from thePopen()