If table contains big multi-line text column, pressing jqgrid view toolbar button creates view window with big height and without scrollbar. Most of data is outside screen and is not visible.
I tried to add scrollbars and restrict its height using
jQuery.extend(jQuery.jgrid.view, {
savekey: [true, 13],
recreateForm: true,
closeOnEscape: true,
dataheight: screen.height-230,
height: 0.82* screen.height,
width: 0.96*screen.width,
but those settings are ignored ( they work for edit window only if jQuery.jgrid.edit is used).
How to add scrollbar(s) and retrict view window height if it contains more data than fits to screen ?
I suggest to get the demo from the answer and extend the code a little. In the method
I suggest to include additional lineYou can see the results on the demo. The height of the View form will be variable, but the maximal height of every field will be restricted to 100px (see