I am using JTidy to convert from HTML to XHTML but I found in my XHTML file this tag
Can i prevent it ?
this is my code
//from html to xhtml
fis = new FileInputStream(htmlFileName);
catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e)
System.out.println("File not found: " + htmlFileName);
Tidy tidy = new Tidy();
Document xmlDoc = tidy.parseDOM(fis, null);
tidy.pprint(xmlDoc,new FileOutputStream("c.xhtml"));
catch(Exception e)
I had only success, when the input is treated as XML as well. So either set xmltags to true
and live with the errors and warnings or do the conversion twice. First conversion to sanitize the html (html to xhtml) and a second conversion from xhtml to xhtml with set xmltags, thus no errors and warnings occur.
I used the latest jtidy version 938.
i created a function that parse the the xhtml code and remove the unwelcome tags and to add a link to the css File "tableStyle.css"
but as a performance issue is it good?
by the way it works will
You can use the following method to get xhtml from html