I have to show multiple incomes, type of income and employer name values for a single individual in a single row. So, if 'A' has three different incomes from three different sources,
id | Name | Employer | IncomeType | Amount
123 | XYZ | ABC.Inc | EarningsformJob | $200.00
123 | XYZ | Self | Self Employment | $300.00
123 | XYZ. | ChildSupport| Support | $500.00
I need to show them as
id | Name | Employer1 | Incometype1| Amount1 | Employer2 | incometype2 | Amount2| Employer3 | Incometype3| Amount3.....
123 |XYZ | ABC.Inc |EarningsformJob | $200.00|Self | Self Employment | $300.00|ChildSupport| Support | $500.00.....
I need both 'fixed number of columns' (where we know how many times employer, incometype and amount colums are going to repeat)logic and 'dynamic display of columns' ( unknown number of times these columns are going to repeat)
Since you are using SQL Server there are several ways that you can transpose the rows of data into columns.
Aggregate Function / CASE: You can use an aggregate function with a CASE expression along with
. This version would require that you have a known number of values to become columns:See SQL Fiddle with Demo.
PIVOT/UNPIVOT: You could use the UNPIVOT and PIVOT functions to get the result. The UNPIVOT converts your multiple columns of
into multiples rows before applying the pivot. You did not specific what version of SQL Server, assuming you have a known number of values then you could use the following in SQL Server 2005+ which uses CROSS APPLY with UNION ALL to unpivot:See SQL Fiddle with Demo.
Dynamic Version: Lastly, if you have an unknown number of values then you will need to use dynamic SQL to generate the result.
See SQL Fiddle with Demo. All versions give a result: