I am using MySQL with PHP, Codeigniter. I had a question which was answered by bluefeet in the post here
I created a stored procedure for the second solution by bluefeet. It works perfect, however, while the procedure is called in the production environment, all the other users get the error
Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
Not sure how can i overcome with this error. I also tried closing the connection after the procedure is called, however, Queries from other users are executed before the connection is closed. Any work-around for this issue?
Below is the stored procedure that i have used
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS mailbox.circle_pending_p;
CREATE PROCEDURE mailbox.`circle_pending_p`()
SET @sql = NULL;
'sum(CASE WHEN maildate = ''',
date_format(mailtime, '%e-%b'),
''' THEN 1 else 0 END) AS `',
date_format(mailtime, '%e-%b'), '`'
) INTO @sql
FROM circle_pending_temp
WHERE mailtime >= (select date_sub(max(mailtime), interval 8 DAY)
from circle_pending_temp);
SET @sql
= CONCAT('SELECT coalesce(email_Circle, ''Grand Total'') Circle,
max(`< 9 days`) `< 9 days`, ', @sql, ' ,
count(*) GrandTotal
select c.email_Circle,
date_format(c.mailtime, ''%e-%b'') maildate,
coalesce(o.`< 9 days`, 0) `< 9 days`
from circle_pending_temp c
left join
select email_Circle,
count(*) `< 9 days`
from circle_pending_temp
where mailtime <= (select date_sub(max(mailtime), interval 8 DAY)
from circle_pending_temp)
) o
on c.email_Circle = o.email_Circle
where c.mailtime >= (select date_sub(max(mailtime), interval 8 DAY)
from circle_pending_temp)
) d
group by email_Circle with rollup ');
PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
The PHP that i use for calling this procedure is
$db = $this->load->database('mailbox',TRUE);
$res = $db->query('Call circle_pending_p()');
echo $db->_error_message();
$db = $this->load->database('mailbox',TRUE);
if ($res->num_rows() > 0) {
return $res->result_array();
} else {
return 0;
Got the Answer! It seems like codeigniter's mysql driver has bugs handling stored procedures.
I changed the drivers from mysql to mysqli in the config/database file by changing
Post that i modified the system/database/drivers/mysqli/mysqli_result.php file and added the below function
and modified the model as below
This solved the problem!
In file
I faced similary problem when I was running stored procedure in a loop. The below code I was using:
In this case the temporary table I created was being complained as table already exists.
So, used this approach instead:
Now execution was perfect
After procedure call.
can't call another procedure, while has previous results. You should usefree()
for each of them before any further procedure call or query execution.Source: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.query.php