Am struggling to find the right as3 code to resize an image once it is dynamically called into the stage and placed in a MC. I am loading using:
var myLoader :Loader = new Loader();
var url :URLRequest = new URLRequest("myimage.jpg");
myLoader .load(url );
The stage will eventually open up into fullscreen (works ok) so I need to keep the image in its original size which is much bigger than the stage.
What I need to do is shrink it on loading to the same height as the stage whilst keeping the width in proportion (oh and center it). I have tried all sorts of codes but cant find anything to work as all I have managed to do is resize the MC containing the image but NOT the image itself. Any guidance as to the correct code would be greatly appreciated.
I am guessng it is as simple as something like
but if so what is the correct way to write the image name, as I have written it seems erroneous. Many thanks
I also had such problems, you can try this ..... it worked for me
I was just looking up how to resize an image and I found this handy library
when flash downsizes an image it has the best quality when you resize it by half then keep resizing by half until you get to the desired size
the library does all that for you
the website has some examples and links to his google code page
might not be exactly what you want, but it does work pretty good
You have to wait the image is loaded and then you can resize your loader for example:
Try this code:
I struggled with this for a while folks, but if you're using AS3, just drag a uiloader object onto the stage and set it's source and most importantly, scaleContent property to true....
This works just fine for me and requires less code:
I try answer your questions