I amm using Rails 5, and I have half way deployed my app through Capistrano on server. due to specific need to loadschema, i ssh in and cd into the release/### directory and tried to run
rails --version # came out 5.0.3beta
bundle # works, everything installed
rails c # but this fail
running rails db:migrate also failed.
it seems to return rails generic help as like my directory isn't a rails directory.
i tried deleting bin folder, but still the same. anyone know what could be wrong?
thank you
It seems you're using capistrano to deploy your application. Have a look at this issue: https://github.com/capistrano/bundler/issues/45
The solution would be:
from thelinked_dirs
set :bundle_binstubs, nil
to yourconfig/deploy.rb
to generate the binstubsTo run the console try
rails console
. To run a migration tryrake db:migrate