I set up PhantomJS and recorded it to video: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xnizmh_1_webcam
Build instructions: http://phantomjs.org/build.html
Is there anything wrong in my setup?
After I set it up I read the quick start tutorial and tried to write this code
phantomjs hello.js
It gives me "command not found" error. How can I solve this problem?
On linux to run hello.js don't forget to add the path of hello.js:
phantomjs YourPathToPhantomjsFolder/examples/hello.js
Guidouil's answer put me on the right track. I had to add one additional symlink to /usr/bin/, and I did direct symlinks for all 3 - see below.
I'm installing on Ubuntu server Natty Narwhal.
This is exactly what I did.
And finally when I do
I get 1.9.7
If anyone sees any problems with what I've done, please let me know.
in my vagrant bootstrap:
Here are the build steps I used (note these instructions are for version 1.3. See comments to this answer for the installation instructions of the latest PhantomJS):
Now install Xvfb
Launch Xvfb:
Xvfb :23 -screen 0 1024x768x24 &
Now run phantom:
DISPLAY=:23 ./phantomjs hello.js
For Ubuntu, download the suitable file from http://phantomjs.org/download.html. CD to the downloaded folder. Then:
Make sure to replace the file name in these commands with the file you have downloaded.
Be aware this is definitely one way to do it:
Sadly, it installs 1.6 and not the latest one, but this works for my purposes.