It is easy to get a list of running tasks from the ActivityManager service on Android L, and the current active task is returned first. But it don't work on Android M any more, the return list only contains my app task. Is there any way to settle it?
My code:
List<ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo> runningAppProcessInfos = activityManager.getRunningAppProcesses();
for (int i = 0; i < runningAppProcessInfos.size(); i++) {
ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo runningAppProcessInfo = runningAppProcessInfos.get(i);
if (runningAppProcessInfo.importance == ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND) {
return runningAppProcessInfo.pkgList[0];
Please try this lines in Android M. This worked for me
check below link for other android platform support.
you can use below code and get the current foreground activity package name.
Add this permission in to Manifest file.
Make sure you need to configure custom setting in your device to obtain the output you can config it with Setting > Security > Apps with usage access > Then enable your app permission