I'm trying to use Angular.js client-side with webapp2 on Google Appengine.
In order to solve the SEO issues the idea was to use a headless browser to run the javascript server-side and serve the resulting html to the crawlers.
Is there any headless browser for python that runs on google app engine?
That's a super meta idea. A web request being fulfilled by a web server using a headless web browser to render a page and return the result. phew.
Take a look at the following answer on headless browsers paying special attention to the Python based ones.
headless browser question: headless internet browser?
Looks like the ones that support Javascript all use WebKit and require PyQt or Pyside. Meaning that you're not going to be able to run them up on App Engine due to the runtime restrictions that are in place.
I would suggest for SEO purposes you do some sort of user agent detection and emit a super scaled down version of your page using Jinja2 templates or something. You'd probably get better performance that way anyway.
This can now be done on App Engine Flex with a custom runtime, so I'm adding this answer since this question is the first thing to popup in google.
I based this custom runtime off of my other GAE flex microservice which uses the pre-built python runtime
Project Structure:
Download geckodriver from here (linux 64):
Other notes:
WebDriverException: Message: Can't load the profile. Possible firefox version mismatch. You must use GeckoDriver instead for Firefox 48+. Profile Dir: /tmp/tmp 48P If you specified a log_file in the FirefoxBinary constructor, check it for details.
DesiredCapabilities().FIREFOX["marionette"] = False
https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/issues/5106display = Display(visible=0, size=(1024, 768))
is needed to fix this error: How to fix Selenium WebDriverException: The browser appears to have exited before we could connect?To test locally:
To deploy to app engine: