Using rvmsudo with Capistrano

2019-02-14 14:09发布

I am trying to setup capistrano to deploy my rails3 app easily. I'm pretty new to rails.

Everything is working as it should except that I am trying to restart the standalone passenger server.

I am running redmine on the same server, so I followed to get multiple versions of ruby/rails to run. This works fine until I try and get capistrano to restart the passenger server.

The problem is the 'sudo' doesn't pass environment settings through (as found on: sudo changes PATH - why? )

Everything works if I can use 'rvmsudo' instead of 'sudo', since rvmsudo passes along the correct environment information. But, if I use 'rvmsudo' in my Captistrano deployment, it hangs waiting for my sudo password.

I would like to implement a try_rvmsudo that works exactly like try_sudo does, where it sends the password if it is asked for. but I can't seem to find any information on doing this.

here is the restart command that I am trying to use:

desc "Restart Passenger server"
task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
    run <<-CMD
      if [[ -f #{release_path}/tmp/pids/passenger.#{passenger_port}.pid ]];
        cd #{deploy_to}/current && #{passenger_path}passenger stop -p #{passenger_port} --pid-file #{release_path}/tmp/pids/passenger.#{passenger_port}.pid;
    # restart passenger standalone on the specified port/environment and as a daemon
    run "cd #{deploy_to}/current && rvmsudo #{passenger_path}passenger start -e #{rails_env} -p #{passenger_port} -a -d --pid-file #{release_path}\

And it hangs saying:

 ** [out ::] [sudo] password for deployer:

2楼-- · 2019-02-14 14:43

Well, I found out that I can have Capistrano send the sudo password first (by running a sudo command). Sudo remembers your password for a small time (5 minutes by default). And, rvmsudo simply calls sudo with some environment variables set, so it too remembers your password.

It's not really pretty, but it works:

desc "Restart Passenger server"
task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
    # Hack to have capistrano enter the sudo password (for rvmsudo later)
    sudo "whoami"
    run <<-CMD
      if [[ -f #{release_path}/tmp/pids/passenger.#{passenger_port}.pid ]];
        cd #{deploy_to}/current && rvmsudo passenger stop;

    # restart passenger standalone on the specified port/environment and as a daemon
    # The sleep 1 is to give the server enough time to spawn. The session was closing before it spawned, so it never actually spawned
    run "cd #{deploy_to}/current && rvmsudo passenger start -e #{rails_env} -p #{passenger_port} -a -d --pid-file #{release_path}/tmp/pids/passeng\
er.#{passenger_port}.pid && sleep 1"

Any other solutions are welcome!

3楼-- · 2019-02-14 14:45

The problem of rvmsudo hanging capistrano seems to have been fixed in more recent versions of rvm. For my running 'rvm get stable' on the target machines fixed the problem.

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