for my Polymer application I need one observable in two different flavors, for example as an integer-value and and string-value. I use getters and setters to encapsulate the state and internal representation. By doing this I have to implement notifyPropertyChange for every observable in every setter, which leads to much errorprone plumbing code. For example I need two times to notifyPropertyChange-Statements for two flavors, if I have to use 4 flavors, I have to use 4*4 = 16 notifyPropertyChange-Statements. I have modified the click-counter example to illustrate this:
class ClickCounter extends PolymerElement {
int _count;
@observable int get count => _count;
@observable set count(int val) {
_count = notifyPropertyChange(#strcount,_count,val);}
@observable String get strcount {
print("TOSTRING "+_count.toString());
return _count.toString();}
@observable set strcount(String val) {
_count = notifyPropertyChange(#count,_count,int.parse(val));}
ClickCounter.created() : super.created() {
void increment() {
Is there a better way to implement this without so much notifyPropertyChange-Statements?
Not sure if this applies to you but I had the same problem. In my case though I could solve it with just the one property and a filter.
dart class
Apologies for the incorrectness of the code. I'm on my phone and don't have time to search the code. Hopefully you get the idea
Cheers Anders
In case the
property doesn't need to be private — something to consider according to the Dart style guide — a sweet option would be available for this kind of situation.Changes occurred to observable properties is automatically passed on method named as
where property_name refers to the property to spy on.Hope this help bring more fun to writing Polymer components.
I have not tested it, but it should work and I think its notable less code if you have more such properties.