Say I have multiple view controllers in my Swift app and I want to be able to pass data between them. If I'm several levels down in a view controller stack, how do I pass data to another view controller? Or between tabs in a tab bar view controller?
(Note, this question is a "ringer".) It gets asked so much that I decided to write a tutorial on the subject. See my answer below.
Swift 4
There are so many approaches for data passing in swift. Here I am adding some of the best approaches of it.
1) Using StoryBoard Segue
Storyboard segues are very much useful for passing data in between Source and Destination View Controllers and vice versa also.
2) Using Delegate Methods
It depends when you want to get data.
If you want to get data whenever you want, can use a singleton pattern. The pattern class is active during the app runtime. Here is an example of the singleton pattern.
If you want to get data after any action, can use NotificationCenter.