When the android edittext input type is number, is it possible to make multilines? I have tried with the following in xml file.
But it did not work. Is it not possible to make multiline when the input type is number?
Please help me in this. Thank you.
I tried each and every solution for your problem.The thing is that when you try to use android:inputType attribute with number android doesnot provide textMultiLine feature for users.it is possible with only one attribute i.e., android:numeric="integer".I know that it is Deprecated but for your problem this is the only solution.
I have made a sample xml file.it is as follows:
There are sample EditText used with explanation as follows:-
The first one describes the TextView be exactly this many lines tall by using the attribute-android:lines="10".Here if you donot provide android:gravity="top" then any input you do will start from the center of the EditText.
The second one describes the TextView be at most this many lines tall by using the attribute-android:maxLines="10".
I hope you will finally be happy for your problem being solved successfully.
Please do this:
Taken from here: Answer