I've just starting working with Node, and I've been following along with various tutorials.
I've created an Express app, and setup Mongoose and Jasmine.
How can I configure my specs so that I can:
- create models, automatically clean them up after each spec
- use a different database for creating test objects (say myapp_test)
- do this in a way that is as DRY as possible, i.e. not creating a before / after block with the teardown for each describe block
I'll try to answer you.
To do that I'll assume you use Mocha as the testing framework you can simply use the function
like this :Basicly what I'm doing here is cleanning up my database before each
but you can make it do anything you want.Here, you should use the node
method to setting your env. Here is a article to understand a little how it works. Take a lot to GRUNT projects, it helps a lot with your workflow and the configurations stuff.I'm not sure I got what you want but take a look at the doc for the hooks
. I think you will find what you want here.