I think I have a complex requirement.
It's a combinatorial permutation using Oracle 10.2, I'was able to solve it using cartesian joins, but I think that it need some improvements to made it simplest and more flexible.
Main behaviour.
input string: 'one two'
output: 'one' 'two' 'one two' 'two one'
For my solution I've restricted the number of strings to 5 (note that the output is a number near the factorial)
with My_Input_String as (select 1 as str_id, 'alpha beta omega gama' as str from dual )
, String_Parse as (
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(str, '[^ ]+', 1, ROWNUM) str
FROM My_Input_String
where rownum < 6 -- string limitation --
CONNECT BY level <= LENGTH(REGEXP_REPLACE(str, '([^ ])+|.', '\1') )
--------CRAP select need refactoring-------
select str from String_Parse
select REGEXP_REPLACE(trim(s1.str||' '||s2.str||' '||s3.str||' '||s4.str||' '||s5.str), '( ){2,}', ' ') as str
(select str from String_Parse union select ' ' from dual) s1,
(select str from String_Parse union select ' ' from dual) s2,
(select str from String_Parse union select ' ' from dual) s3,
(select str from String_Parse union select ' ' from dual) s4,
(select str from String_Parse union select ' ' from dual) s5
s1.str <> s2.str and s1.str <> s3.str and s1.str <> s4.str and s1.str <> s5.str
and s2.str <> s3.str and s2.str <> s4.str and s2.str <> s5.str
and s3.str <> s4.str and s3.str <> s5.str
and s4.str <> s5.str
Edit: Got the generic one. Really simple in the end (but took me a while to get there)
Edit2: Removed redundant maxnum stuff. Left over from previous attempts