We are using a YouTube video on our website as a hero banner.
However few days ago it started showing it's title, watch later button and a share button. We were able to hide them using &showinfo=0
at the end if the URL.
I found out that showinfo
has been deprecated and thus you can no longer hide the fact that it is a YouTube video showing there.
Is there any other parameter that might be able to do the same thing?
You cannot do it with CSS or JavaScript as it is an iframe
Any ideas are much appreciated.
Any layer or mask over the video doesn't help, as the info shows when the video is loading, or if you click outside the browser, the video will pause and the info shows.
Hiding the top ~60px works, but it is not a good solution for me.
Directly from show info
It clearly states that this is something they consider to be part of the cor youtube experience. There is no suggestion of a workaround or a new parameter that you could send to archive the old results. They are removing it. If you tried to force it out using javascript and css i would almost suggest you are against the TOC which states your not allowed to change that display. People should know you are showing something from YouTube
Well, I just noticed it as well. It sucks and ruins the aesthetics. So I just did a
while hoping that they'll re-add
again.I was looking at the same problem and the only solution I found is to set the video in autoplay and place a transparent layer over the youtube box.
The user would not be able to interact with the player, but it can be useful in some situation like banner.
Unfortunately the code doesn't seem to run correctly on stackoverflow I also add a jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/z3dqpuy0/
The solution I found aesthetically most pleasing is to lay a high res thumbnail over the video and hide it at hover. This also deals with the problem that the youtube preview is low res and looks cheap in my opinion.
Check it out here: http://jsfiddle.net/d9D9E/1/
Had to write code in order to show the js fiddle :/
Not having 'rel=0' is irritating, but there is a work around. If you work with the IFrame API, (as opposed to embedding an iframe ex http://youtu.be/?videoIDxxx...) you can get the event for the stopping (completing) of the video, then cue up the video by ID into the player. See https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference#Playback_controls for reference to the basic player.