I want to download multiple files on click of a button in jsp.
I am using the following code in the js to call one servlet twice.
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.width = iframe.height = iframe.frameBorder = 0;
iframe.scrolling = "no";
iframe.src = "/xyz.jsp?prodId=p10245";
var iframe2 = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe2.width = iframe2.height = iframe2.frameBorder = 0;
iframe2.scrolling = "no";
iframe2.src = "/xyz.jsp?prodId=p10243";
In xyz.jsp i am calling the servlet which downloads the file from a path and send it on the browser.
Issue is that it is working safari,firefox but not in IE.
We cannot download multiple files with IE?
By design, non-user-initiated file downloads are blocked in IE. That inherently means that it should not be possible to download more than one file as the result of a single user-click.
I had a similar need but also wanted the downloads to occur in a new window.
I created a js to download a list of files, and a php to do the actual file saving. I used the above as a starting point, and the PHP start from (okay, can't find the original source). I encode the passed URI so spaces in the file names don't cause troubles.
The HTML for the page is simple. Basically any syntax-compliant page will do.
The saveAs.php page which the js file uses in the newWindow.location line is php only.
I used rawurlencode on just the 'basename' portion of the URI to ensure it was a valid, encoded request.
I've used the following code to download multiple files in IE and Chrome
You pass an array of URLs to the downloadFiles() function, which will call downloadFile() for each with a short delay between. The delay seems to be the key to getting it to work!
It can be done by creating a blob using the file source URL. I have tested this with image and PDF files in IE 11.
I got this idea when I came across this: Getting BLOB data from XHR request