I ask for something which I see impossible and I'll delete question if it is.
I have got method:
public Object convertBy(Function... functions) {
and those functions are :
interface FLines extends Function {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public List<String> getLines(String fileName);
interface Join extends Function {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public String join(List<String> lines);//lines to join
interface CollectInts extends Function {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public List<Integer> collectInts(String s);
interface Sum<T, R> extends Function<T, R> {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public R sum(T list);//list of Integers
Abstract methods in those interfaces return values of different types. I pass lambdas to my convertBy
I would like to set convertBy
return type the same as return type of functions[functions.length - 1]
Is this is possible?
I've changed the signature of the method and the signature of the methods inside the interface. It works but only if I do cast in the marked places in the main posted below. The weird things it needs cast only in 3 out of 4 method's invocations, I would like to get rid of casts at all in the main.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class InputConverter<T> {
private T value;
public InputConverter(T value) {
this.value = value;
public <T, R> R convertBy(Function<T, R> special, Function... functions) {
if (functions.length == 0) {
FLines flines = (FLines) special;
return (R) flines.getLines((value instanceof String) ? (String) value : null);
} else if (functions.length == 1) {
FLines flines = (FLines) functions[0];
Join join = (Join) special;
return (R) join.join(flines.getLines((String) value));
} else if (functions.length == 2) {
if (functions[0] instanceof FLines) {
FLines flines = (FLines) functions[0];
Join join = (Join) functions[1];
CollectInts collectInts = (CollectInts) special;
return (R) collectInts.collectInts(join.join(flines.getLines((String) value)));
} else {
Join join = (Join) functions[0];
CollectInts collectInts = (CollectInts) functions[1];
Sum sum = (Sum) special;
return (R) sum.sum(collectInts.collectInts(join.join((List<String>) value)));
} else {
FLines flines = (FLines) functions[0];
Join join = (Join) functions[1];
CollectInts collectInts = (CollectInts) functions[2];
Sum sum = (Sum) special;
return (R) sum.sum(collectInts.collectInts(join.join(flines.getLines((String) value))));
/* public Integer convertBy(Join join, CollectInts collectInts, Sum sum) {
return sum.sum(collectInts.collectInts(join.join((List<String>) value)));
interface FLines<T, R> extends Function {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public R getLines(T fileName);
// public List<String> getLines(String fileName);
interface Join<T,R> extends Function {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public R join(T lines);//lines to join
// public String join(List<String> lines);//lines to join
interface CollectInts<T, R> extends Function {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public R collectInts(T t);
// public List<Integer> collectInts(String s);
interface Sum<T, R> extends Function<T, R> {
default Object apply(Object t) {
return null;
public R sum(T list);//list of Integers
The main method:
FLines<String, List<String>> flines ....
Join<List<String>, String> join ...
CollectInts<String, List<Integer>> collectInts ...
Sum<List<Integer>, Integer> sum ...
String fname =/* System.getProperty("user.home") + "/*/ "LamComFile.txt";
InputConverter<String> fileConv = new InputConverter<>(fname);
List<String> lines = fileConv.convertBy(flines);//cannot cast from Object to List<String>
String text = fileConv.convertBy( join, flines);//cannot cast from Object to String
List<Integer> ints = fileConv.convertBy(collectInts,flines, join);//cannot cast from Object to List<Integer>
Integer sumints = fileConv.convertBy(sum, flines, join, collectInts);//works without cast!
I don't understand why compiler understands what sum
returns but don't infer what for instance collectInts
Thank all of you who elaborated on the subject, your solutions are much better in real world.
As the author I would like to post my solution that enabled not changing the invocations of
int themain()
one bit. It is very short and ugly, but works.Main
class:It seems, you have some misunderstanding about generic type hierarchies. When you want to extend a generic type, you have to make a fundamental decision about the actual types of the extended class or interface. You may specify exact types like in
(here we create a type that extends a generic type but is not generic itself)
or you can create a generic type which uses its own type parameter for specifying the actual type argument of the super class:
Note, how we create a new type parameter
with its own constraints and use it to parametrize the superclass to require its type parameters to match ours.In contrast, when you declare a class like
you are extending the raw type
and create new type parameters<T, R>
which are entirely useless in your scenario.To stay at the above examples, you may implement them as
and since they inherit properly typed methods, you may use these to combine the functions:
Applying this to your scenario, you could define the interfaces like
and redesign your
to accept only one function which may be a combined function:This can be used in a type safe manner:
You have to change the method signature and inline the last vararg value as a separate parameter.
If you have this parameter as the last one, then you won't be able a use vararg parameter, as it has always to be last one and must be represented as an array in case it's not the last one:
If you, however, insist to use varargs, then you can move the "special"
as first parameter: