This particular page works on Firefox and Chrome. On IE9, I am getting this error: SCRIPT600: Invalid target element for this operation. I noticed this error message discussed in other posts as well but they deals with other problems.
Here is the code that throws the error. I am using trends charts (and highcharts for other tables) for my website.
jsio('import .js.trends');
new js.trends.Table({ // ERROR THROWN ON THIS LINE
target: 'trends_table',
type: 'credits',
noData: 'No credits yet!',
columns: [{
title: 'Date',
src: 'begin_date',
format: 'date'
}, {
title: 'Time',
src: 'begin_date',
format: 'time'
}, {
title: 'Credits Earned',
src: 'credits_earned',
format: 'number'
}, {
title: 'How Earned',
src: 'activity',
format: 'lookup',
values: {
0: 'ABC',
1: 'DEF'
}, {
title: 'Credits Spent',
src: 'credits_spent',
format: 'number'
I am a little confused about the changes that I should make. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
As others have noted Internet Explorer has had issues setting the contents of
etc. via.innerHTML
has several bugs up until IE10 running specifically in Standards Mode.Bug report and workarounds:
I think IE has inconsistent support for the insertAdjacentHTML method, and for elements like TR and TBODY , IE will throw an exception if the method is called on those methods. This error exists since IE6.
If your element is a table, I believe it's one of those elements that are read-only with IE9.