I have a tablet app with an about fragment which displays my company's datas. I would like to change my layout dynamically with screen orientation while im on the page but i didn't found how yet.
If someone got the solution, thanks in advance
I have a tablet app with an about fragment which displays my company's datas. I would like to change my layout dynamically with screen orientation while im on the page but i didn't found how yet.
If someone got the solution, thanks in advance
You can try this out http://blogs.captechconsulting.com/blog/steven-byle/android-tutorial-optimizing-phones-and-tablets-fragments
If you are using ABS + viewpager it'll be kind of difficult (if you find a solution i'm interrested ! see my last question)
Here is the official doc http://developer.android.com/training/basics/fragments/fragment-ui.html
@Yume177, i found how to do it :
I have 2 RelativeLayout both named "about.xml", with one layout in a dir res/layout-sw720dp/about.xml with my drawable for portrait mode and res/layout-sw720dp-land/about.xml with my landscape drawable. When i rotate my tablet, my layout fits perfectly. Hope i'll help you