I'm looking for a Javascript solution to mix Grouped and Stacked Bars with a beautiful graph, such as those provided by Protovis.
For example if I want to compare downloads on Apple (iPads+iPhones) devices to Android devices, I might have (excuse my terrible ascii art)
60k | ^ 50k | # ^ ^ 40k |# # ^ #^ 30k |@ #^ ^ #^ 20k |@^ #^ #^ @^ 10k |@^ @^ @^ @^ ================= Jan Feb Mar Apr Legend #: iPad Downloads @: iPhone Downloads ^: Android Downloads
Checkout Google Chart Tools and Google Visualization
for instance you can specify the following:
let's say if you change the chd to
Take a look at the chart above (as if its a group chart, but actually its stacked). Then you can append data after to create stacked 'looking' group as the graph is intended.
Since no one's mentioned C3.js yet, here it is, with a stacked+grouped demo (source)
Hey I just developed grouped+stacked bar chart on d3.js.
See also the Dojo toolkit's Dojox Charting API: Dojox charting