I have 3 columns in a table called "purchases":
id amount price
2 2 21
2 5 9
3 8 5
I want to group all rows with similar IDs and have this array as a result:
array([0] => [id => 2, total => 87 (because 2*21+5*9=87)], [1] => [id => 3, total => 40 (because 8*5=40)])
as total accounts for SUM(amount*price) for rows with similar IDs.
I've tried using
SELECT id, SUM(p.price*p.amount) total FROM purchases p GROUP by p.id
but it doesn't work well (i.e. it doesn't achieve what I want, which is what I wrote above). Any ideas on how to do this in mysql?
An example of what the query returns:
id amount price
2 3 89
2 3 19
SELECT id, SUM(p.price*p.amount) total FROM purchases p GROUP by p.id
==> [id => 2, total => 183]
@sombe: I've just tested your query and it works just fine. Are you sure your mysql is up to date?
The second works fine too: