I am trying to set-up a HTTP client to keep the underlying connection open (keep-alive) in node.js, but it seems that the behaviour does not correspond to the docs (http://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_agent).
I am creating a new HTTP agent, setting the maxSockets property to 1 and requesting an url (for instance http://www.twilio.com/
) every second.
It seems that on every request the socket is closed and a new socket is created. I have tested this with node.js 0.10.25 and 0.10.36 under Ubuntu 14.04.
Has anyone been able to get keep alive to work?
Here is the code:
var http = require("http");
var agent = new http.Agent();
agent.maxSockets = 1;
var sockets = [];
function request(hostname, path, callback) {
var options = {
hostname: hostname,
path: path,
agent: agent,
headers: {"Connection": "keep-alive"}
var req = http.get(options, function(res) {
var body = "";
res.on('data', function (chunk) {
body += chunk;
res.on('end', function () {
callback(null, res, body);
req.on('error', function(e) {
return callback(error);
req.on("socket", function (socket) {
if (sockets.indexOf(socket) === -1) {
console.log("new socket created");
socket.on("close", function() {
console.log("socket has been closed");
function run() {
request('www.twilio.com', '/', function (error, res, body) {
setTimeout(run, 1000);
If I'm not mistaken the connection pool was implemented in 0.12.
So if you want to have a connection pool prior 0.12 you can simply use the request module:
If you are using node 0.12+ and you want to use the HTTP core module directly, then you can use this to initialize your agent:
Notice the
keepAlive: true
property, that is required to keep the socket open.You can pass an agent to the request module as well, again that works only on 0.12+ otherwise it defaults to internal pool implementation.
I guess it should work on node 0.12+. You may also want to use a different agent for this purpose. For example keep-alive-agent can do what you want:
The below worked for me in meteor which uses the npm module for keepaliveagent
Both the method calls returns data in one socket connection. You pass the options in each method call