I am using android.support.design.widget.FloatingActionButton from the new Design Support library 22.2.0, in my layout file. It is working fine but it shows a square button below API level 17
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This is known by Google and will be fix soon in the next version of the Design Support Library, see this issue: FAB Appears as a square on API 16. It should only concern API 16.
The workaround, proposed in the same thread, is to add
to your FAB.Released version 22.2.1 This release contains bug fixes related to FAB
Change your gradle
Install support repository revision 16. So you can avoid the workaround [app:borderWidth="0dp"]
If it helps, I solved my issue by removing
It was a remnant from the previous FAB library I used. The design library's gets the color automatically from
.use different library projects which supports floating action button below API level 17 . you can find easily here .plz refer this .
Floating Action Button
Add the following attribute to the xml floating button
Finally the issue has been fixed in the new release
this will solve the square layout issue in API 16. FAB performs well if you place it inside Coordinate Layout. Check out https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/list?can=1&q=label:Version-22.2.1 for issues and fixes in new version.