I did my local storage using Chrome and then try to access it through Firefox. But it’s not there. Can somebody clarify that is it a valid test case to store and retrieve HTML5 local storage using different browsers? As per my understanding HTML local storage path is browser specific. So I assume that you need to use same browsers for both storage and retrieve belongs to a specific KEY. Is it a correct statement?
- DOMException: Failed to read the 'localStorage
- How To Use LocalStorage with MSAL.js
- How to create local storage?
- Is it possible to use localstorage with context pe
- Multiple Tab LocalStorage single user Use case
jfriend00 has correctly answered your question, however, I would like to caveat this by adding that there is a way to access your data on another browser even if its on another device, as long as this browser is Chrome. The way to do this is to use chrome.storage API, which has been available since Chrome 25.
The following are its benefits/features:
Here is the Documentation
Local Storage is "local" in that exact browser and ONLY in that browser. To retrieve something stored in Local Storage, you must use the same browser, the same key and retrieve it from a page in the same origin (e.g. domain).
If you want something available across multiple browsers, then you have to identify the user somehow (usually a user login) and then you need to store the data on a server somewhere so that the data can be served to the same user across multiple browsers.