I'm trying to crawl the sizes for this product:
The problem: The sizes are loaded after the color of the product is selected.
In the product page's source code, I can see that the dropdown has a onchange-method: It clicks the form #postColor onchange.
The select dropdown:
<select name="color" id="color" class="cposelect" onchange="document.getElementById('postColor').click();" style="width:150px;margin-right: 20px; float: left;">
<option selected="selected" onfocus="if (this.storeCurrentControl != null) storeCurrentControl(event, this);" value="0">Select colour</option>
<option onfocus="if (this.storeCurrentControl != null) storeCurrentControl(event, this);" value="-8027">Light Camel</option>
<option onfocus="if (this.storeCurrentControl != null) storeCurrentControl(event, this);" value="-9999">black</option>
The #postColor form, which is clicked onchange:
<input type="submit" name="postColor" value="" onclick="location.href=('./?model=10344-4180&color='+document.forms[0].color.value+'&size='+document.forms[0].size.value+'&addbread=OUTLET&addbread2=DRIZIA&currentimage='+document.getElementById('currentimage').value+'&selectedmi=a1_INDEX_14&prev=10850-4314&next=10413-4183'); return false;" id="postColor" class="cpobutton " style="display: none;">
This is my code so far and it's not working:
casper.start('http://shop.baumundpferdgarten.com/showmodel/?model=10344-4180&addbread=OUTLET&addbread2=DRIZIA&color=0¤timage=1&selectedmi=a1_INDEX_14', function() {
this.test.assertExists('select[name="color"] option:nth-child(2)');
this.click('select[name="color"] option:nth-child(2)');
this.waitForSelector('select[name="size"] option:nth-child(2)', function() {
this.test.pass('selector is !');
var sizes = this.evaluate(function() {
console.log("======== evaluating ========");
// var sizes = document.querySelectorAll('#size option');
return document.querySelectorAll('#size option');
for (var i = sizes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
I suspect that problem is that a totally new page is loaded when a color is clicked (the sizes are not dynamically appended).
How would you solve this problem?
A slightly hacky way to do this without using jQuery utilising built-in casper methods is:
This is in TypeScript but you can edit for vanilla JS if you need to. You need to use a recursive function because a normal for loop gets into difficulties with capser's queuing system.
this is simple code to enter credit card details in casper js
casper.evaluate(function(CC,security_code) {
Tricky, but looking at the URL, I think Casper can handle this nicely.
Let me know if you need help with the code for this but it will take a bit longer so to give you a bit of pseudo-code,
and substitute the color ID wherecolor=-9999