How can I synchronously determine a JavaScript Pro

2019-01-03 15:40发布

I have a pure JavaScript Promise (built-in implementation or poly-fill):

var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { /* ... */ });

From the specification, a Promise can be one of:

  • 'settled' and 'resolved'
  • 'settled' and 'rejected'
  • 'pending'

I have a use case where I wish to interrogate the Promise synchronously and determine:

  • is the Promise settled?

  • if so, is the Promise resolved?

I know that I can use #then() to schedule work to be performed asynchronously after the Promise changes state. I am NOT asking how to do this.

This question is specifically about synchronous interrogation of a Promise's state. How can I achieve this?

2楼-- · 2019-01-03 15:57

Bluebird.js offers this:

var Promise = require("bluebird");
let p = Promise.resolve();
3楼-- · 2019-01-03 15:59

You can wrap your promises in this way

function wrapPromise(promise) {
  var value, error,
      settled = false,
      resolved = false,
      rejected = false,
      p = promise.then(function(v) {
        value = v;
        settled = true;
        resolved = true;
        return v;
      }, function(err) {
        error = err;
        settled = true;
        rejected = true;
        throw err;
      p.isSettled = function() {
        return settled;
      p.isResolved = function() {
        return resolved;
      p.isRejected = function() {
        return rejected;
      p.value = function() {
        return value;
      p.error = function() {
        return error;
      var pThen = p.then, pCatch = p.catch;
      p.then = function(res, rej) {
        return wrapPromise(pThen(res, rej));
      p.catch = function(rej) {
        return wrapPromise(pCatch(rej));
      return p;
4楼-- · 2019-01-03 16:01

Caveat: This method uses undocumented Node.js internals and could be changed without warning.

In Node you can synchronously determine a promise's state using process.binding('util').getPromiseDetails(/* promise */);.

This will return:

[0, ] for pending,

[1, /* value */] for fulfilled, or

[2, /* value */] for rejected.

const pending = new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve('yakko')));;
const fulfilled = Promise.resolve('wakko');
const rejected = Promise.reject('dot');

[pending, fulfilled, rejected].forEach(promise => {

// pending:   [0, ]
// fulfilled: [1, 'wakko']
// rejected:  [2, 'dot']

Wrapping this into a helper function:

const getStatus = promise => ['pending', 'fulfilled', 'rejected'][

getStatus(pending); // pending
getStatus(fulfilled); // fulfilled
getStatus(rejected); // rejected
5楼-- · 2019-01-03 16:03

You can add a method to Promise.prototype. It looks like this:

Edited: The first solution is not working properly, like most of the answers here. It returns "pending" until the asynchronous function ".then" is invoked, which is not happen immediately. (The same is about solutions using Promise.race). My second solution solves this problem.

if (window.Promise) {
    Promise.prototype.getState = function () {
        if (!this.state) {
            this.state = "pending";
            var that = this;
                function (v) {
                    that.state = "resolved";
                    return v;
                function (e) {
                    that.state = "rejected";
                    return e;
        return this.state;

You can use it on any Promise. For exemple:

myPromise = new Promise(myFunction);
console.log(myPromise.getState()); // pending|resolved|rejected

Second (and correct) solution:

if (window.Promise) {
    Promise.stateable = function (func) {
        var state = "pending";
        var pending = true;
        var newPromise = new Promise(wrapper);
        newPromise.state = state;
        return newPromise;
        function wrapper(resolve, reject) {
            func(res, rej);
            function res(e) {
                if (pending) {
                    if (newPromise)
                        newPromise.state = "resolved";
                        state = "resolved";
                    pending = false;
            function rej(e) {
                if (pending) {
                    if (newPromise)
                        newPromise.state = "rejected";
                        state = "rejected";
                    pending = false;

And use it:

Notice: In this solution you doesn't have to use the "new" operator.

myPromise = Promise.stateable(myFunction);
console.log(myPromise.state); // pending|resolved|rejected
6楼-- · 2019-01-03 16:03

in node, say process.binding('util').getPromiseDetails(promise)

7楼-- · 2019-01-03 16:05

It's indeed quite annoying that this basic functionality is missing. If you're using node.js then I know of two workarounds, neither of 'em very pretty. Both snippets below implement the same API:

> Promise.getInfo( 42 )                         // not a promise
{ status: 'fulfilled', value: 42 }
> Promise.getInfo( Promise.resolve(42) )        // fulfilled
{ status: 'fulfilled', value: 42 }
> Promise.getInfo( Promise.reject(42) )         // rejected
{ status: 'rejected', value: 42 }
> Promise.getInfo( p = new Promise(() => {}) )  // unresolved
{ status: 'pending' }
> Promise.getInfo( Promise.resolve(p) )         // resolved but pending
{ status: 'pending' }

There doesn't seem to be any way to distinguish the last two promise states using either trick.

1. Use the V8 debug API

This is the same trick that util.inspect uses.

const Debug = require('vm').runInDebugContext('Debug');

Promise.getInfo = function( arg ) {
    let mirror = Debug.MakeMirror( arg, true );
    if( ! mirror.isPromise() )
        return { status: 'fulfilled', value: arg };
    let status = mirror.status();
    if( status === 'pending' )
        return { status };
    if( status === 'resolved' )  // fix terminology fuck-up
        status = 'fulfilled';
    let value = mirror.promiseValue().value();
    return { status, value };

2. Synchronously run microtasks

This avoids the debug API, but has some frightening semantics by causing all pending microtasks and process.nextTick callbacks to be run synchronously. It also has the side-effect of preventing the "unhandled promise rejection" error from ever being triggered for the inspected promise.

Promise.getInfo = function( arg ) {
    const pending = {};
    let status, value;
    Promise.race([ arg, pending ]).then(
        x => { status = 'fulfilled'; value = x; },
        x => { status = 'rejected'; value = x; }
    process._tickCallback();  // run microtasks right now
    if( value === pending )
        return { status: 'pending' };
    return { status, value };
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