If I have the two functions
// implicit
fn foo(x: &i32) {
// explicit
fn bar<'a>(x: &'a i32) {
When would foo
return an error and bar
be the correct function header? I'm confused as to why I would explicitly declare a lifetime:
The 'a reads ‘the lifetime a’. Technically, every reference has some lifetime associated with it, but the compiler lets you elide them in common cases.
I understand what a lifetime is, but what does explicitly specifying a lifetime 'a
do for me? For reference I'm using the Rust book as reading material
Practically speaking, the #1 reason you'll have to write lifetime annotations is because the compiler asks you so. It will reject function signatures which are not covered by lifetime elision rules.
I assume you would like an simple example where lifetimes are mandatory. Imagine the following scenario:
The intention is obvious, but the compiler doesn't handle it:
In this case, annotations solve the problem:
Here you're specifying
twice (onBlah<'a>
). This is the same lifetime! So what you're saying to the compiler here is: "This function takes a reference to a blah containing an inner reference. I will return something which lives exactly as long as the inner reference of the blah." In this case, the signature gives a strong hint that you're likely to return something coming from the innards of the blah.