I want to make a trait which add some property to a class and make it possible to chain methods. Tested in Scala 2.8.1.
trait SomeProperty {
var prop : String = "default"
def setProp(s: String) = {
prop = s
sealed abstract class Value
case class IntegerValue(v: Int) extends Value
case class FloatValue(v: Float) extends Value with SomeProperty {
def foo() = { println("I'm foo.") }
case object UnknownValue extends Value with SomeProperty {
def bar() = { println("I'm bar.") }
scala> val x = UnknownValue
scala> x.setProp("test").bar()
<console>:10: error: value bar is not a member of SomeProperty
What is the most common practice in this kind of situation? (Type-safe way is preferred)
You can explicitly specify the instance type as the return type for setProp.
Not sure if this is what you're looking for
Easiest thing to do is use a generic.