I'm simply trying to apply HTML5 draggable='false' attribute to some images but it's not working in Firefox browser. In Chrome working fine but on Firefox, after selecting that image able to drag and drop. Sample code can be seen here:
<div id="dnd">
<textarea placeholder="drop here"></textarea>
<img src="http://johnlewis.scene7.com/is/image/JohnLewis/231108668?$prod_main$" draggable='false'/>
I'm having Firefox latest version: 32.0.3
Google a lot but didn't find any better solution. Is there any solution for this without using JavaScript? Any help would be appreciated.
just try this
add ondragstart="return false;" to your html element
You can set the following CSS properties to the image:
HTML code:
Update of sorts, the solution doesn't work with React, however adding the below does.