Here is my HTML:
<a href="#" class="link">small caps</a> &
<a href="#" class="link">ALL CAPS</a>
Here is my CSS:
.link {text-transform: capitalize;}
The output is:
Small Caps & ALL CAPS
and I want the output to be:
Small Caps & All Caps
Any ideas?
I know this is a late response but if you want to compare the performance of various solutions I have a jsPerf that I created.
Regex solutions are the fastest for sure.
Here is the jsPerf:
There are 2 regex solutions.
The first one uses
. Word boundary will capital words such as non-disclosure to Non-Disclosure.If you only want to capitalize letters that are preceded by a space then use the second regex
What Khan "ended up doing" (which is cleaner and worked for me) is down in the comments of the post marked as the answer.
capitalize transforms every first letter of a word to uppercase, but it does not transform the other letters to lowercase. So, Use text-transform: uppercase on the first letter, and text-transform: lowercase on the rest. Worked for me.
if you are using jQuery; this is one a way to do it:
Here is an easier to read version doing the same thing:
all wrong it does exist --> font-variant: small-caps;
text-transform:capitalize; just the first letter cap
May be useful for java and jstl.