Edit: If anyone also has any other recommendations for increasing performance of screen capture please feel free to share as it might fully address my problem!
Hello Fellow Developers,
I'm working on some basic screen capture software for myself. As of right now I've got some proof of concept/tinkering code that uses java.awt.Robot to capture the screen as a BufferedImage. Then I do this capture for a specified amount of time and afterwards dump all of the pictures to disk. From my tests I'm getting about 17 frames per second.
Trial #1
Length: 15 seconds Images Captured: 255
Trial #2
Length: 15 seconds Images Captured: 229
Obviously this isn't nearly good enough for a real screen capture application. Especially since these capture were me just selecting some text in my IDE and nothing that was graphically intensive.
I have two classes right now a Main class and a "Monitor" class. The Monitor class contains the method for capturing the screen. My Main class has a loop based on time that calls the Monitor class and stores the BufferedImage it returns into an ArrayList of BufferedImages. If I modify my main class to spawn several threads that each execute that loop and also collect information about the system time of when the image was captured could I increase performance? My idea is to use a shared data structure that will automatically sort the frames based on capture time as I insert them, instead of a single loop that inserts successive images into an arraylist.
public class Monitor {
* Returns a BufferedImage
* @return
public BufferedImage captureScreen() {
Rectangle screenRect = new Rectangle(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize());
BufferedImage capture = null;
try {
capture = new Robot().createScreenCapture(screenRect);
} catch (AWTException e) {
return capture;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
String outputLocation = "C:\\Users\\ewillis\\Pictures\\screenstreamer\\";
String namingScheme = "image";
String mediaFormat = "jpeg";
DiscreteOutput output = DiscreteOutputFactory.createOutputObject(outputLocation, namingScheme, mediaFormat);
ArrayList<BufferedImage> images = new ArrayList<BufferedImage>();
Monitor m1 = new Monitor();
long startTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
long recordTimeMillis = 15000;
while( (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMillis) <= recordTimeMillis ) {
images.add( m1.captureScreen() );
I guess that the intensive memory usage is an issue here. You are capturing in your tests about 250 screenshots. Depending on the screen resolution, this is:
Try caputuring without keeping all those images in memory.
As @Obicere said, it is a good idea to keep the Robot instance alive.
Re-using the screen rectangle and robot class instances will save you a little overhead. The real bottleneck is storing all your BufferedImage's into an array list.
I would first benchmark how fast your robot.createScreenCapture(screenRect); call is without any IO (no saving or storing the buffered image). This will give you an ideal throughput for the robot class.
If it turns out that captureScreen can reach the FPS you want there is no need to multi-thread robot instances.
Rather than having an array list of buffered images I'd have an array list of Futures from the AsynchronousFileChannel.write.